Track Your Shipping Easier!

The largest courier services

What exactly is a tracking number?

The tracking number has the Universal Postal Union's standard format of RA123456789CN, where the last two letters stand in for the nation of origin's code and the first two letters stand for the package's type. Such codes enable the delivery tracking of packages. Other shipments may be delivered by courier, transportation, and logistics firms, and the appearance of tracking codes may differ significantly.

Where can I locate the tracking number?

Number for tracking courier to check the status, you need a tracking number The professional courier tracking number consists of seven to eleven digits and is printed on the slip you receive when booking the package delivery. You can use your tracking number to check on your couriers progress once you have it. On the tracking page look for a box where you can enter the number. Hit the tracking button to view the status.

What formats are used for tracking numbers?

The length of a tracking number is typically between 8 and 40 characters. After a package has been shipped, the tracking number typically appears close to the barcode on the receipt. Waybill numbers, consignment numbers, reference numbers, and tracking numbers are all used by courier brands. The common format for a tracking number is a combination of 13 alphabetic and numerical characters that typically begin with two alphabetic characters, continue with nine digits, and end with "IN".